
we are the wild awake.

humans are the most stunning art i’ve seen.

i want to remind you.

what it feels like to be alive.

to be awake. in the beautiful gift of the body you are living in.

to be wild. in the brilliant mess of exactly who you are.

i want to remind you.

you are art.

let me show you.

OKAY. We just looked
through them all.
I cried at least 10 times and
laughed hysterically.
— BH
You made us feel like
movie stars. We were very
comfortable with you and
you made it so easy to just relax
and enjoy the moment.
— Terry & Bob (69 years married)

let me show

you the beautY

I see in you...


Hi! I’m Amy.

I’m into real moments & big emotions.
Wanna skip the small talk? Yeah, me too.
Here's me, open-book-style.

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